Serenity Valle-author, supporting fellow authors, game creators and blog post at a time!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Interview: Author Kristen Hope Mazzola

Original Posting: Nov 7, 2013
Q: So, tell the readers a bit about you.
A: I am a 25 year old Florida girl. I am just about to release my debut novel, Crashing Back Down, and could not be happier. I started writing poetry when I was ten and recently started working on short stories. Crashing Back Down started off as a just for fun short and really took off into something greater than I could have ever dreamed possible.

Q: How did you come up with the idea for your book, Crashing Back Down? How did you come up with the name of it?
A: Crashing Back Down just came to me one day. I started writing a short story about the main character, Mags, and realized that there was more to her story than what was told in the 2,500 words I had just written. Honestly, I just let the characters guide me along and take shape on their own. Crashing Back Down as a title came from a few different meanings in the book, the ending will really explain it, but of course I don’t want to give it away, so when you read it, you’ll see for yourself!
For more information on Crashing Back Down, please go here:

Q: What is your favourite colour? (This must be read in a British accent a-la Monty Python)
A: My favorite color is Kelly Green! It’s so bright and lively

Q: Do you have any special rituals or quirks when writing? Special foods or drinks? Troll doll on the desk/Etc.
A: I have to have lots of water; I constantly take a second, take a sip and reread my last few sentences. I go through about a gallon on good writing sessions. I also have tons of post it notes all around my writing desk for ideas to revisit at different parts of the book so I don’t have to leave where I’m at in the manuscript.

Q: What was the easiest part about writing Crashing Back Down?
A: The characters’ personality. They all shaped into their own unique voices and quirks. The easiest out of all of them though, was Cali. She is the only one that I modeled after a real person, my best friend from college, Christina. The situations about the character are made up, like being married to a jerk (Christina is in a relationship with a wonderfully nice man that treats her great!) But her voice, love for fruity wine, and unwavering devotion is always held true in our real life relationship!
Q: Do you like bacon?
A: Of course!

Q: How long have you been writing, or wanting to write and when did you actually write your first story?
A: I have been writing on and off for 15 years. I did not start writing stories until January of 2013. I never was confident in my story telling ability, and now that it is part of my life I could never imagine myself without bringing stories to life and sharing them with others.

Q: Do you have a favourite character from your book/books? If so, who and why?
A: Walker and Mitch. They are tied. Walker is wonderfully sweet but has a past that haunts him. I love his resolve and raw love that never fades through everything. Mitch is the same way, but more open and cavalier. They both are just simply awesome in my mind and remind me of a lot of guys I hung out with when I was in college.

Q: Are you working on anything else right now? If so, can you tell us anything about it?
A: I am working on a few pretty fun projects. My major WIP is Falling Back Together. That is the sequel to Crashing Back Down. I can’t reveal too much about it but I can say that it has just as many twists and surprises as Crashing Back Down and I promise the ending will blow you all away!

Q: Is there anything else you’d like to tell the readers of this interview? (This is a great place to put your links!)
A: Thank you so much for all of the amazing support. Without readers there would be no reason to do what I do. I love hearing from book lovers of all types so please feel free to connect with me on any of my social media site:

...You Can't Take the Books from Me...
~Serenity Valle~Author
Acquittal. The Revenant Series: Book One
The Fantastical Life of Serenity: A collection of short stories...
The Fantastical Life of Serenity: Epilogue
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